2016 National Prison Strike

The strike called for and supported by multiple prisoner and support organizations kicks off on the 45th anniversary of the Attica Uprising. Dozens of facilities experience some kind of disturbance or lockdown. Accurate numbers are difficult to gather because of uncooperative prison staff, but between 20,000 and 60,000 prisoners participate or are effected. The work strike is especially impactful in Florida, Texas, South Carolina and parts of Michigan. There are also hunger strikes in Ohio and Wisconsin, as well as smaller protests on the West Coast and across the country. Outside support includes many solidarity actions, media attention and support calls/letter writing campaigns.
The call for the strike originated with Free Alabama Movement, The Incarcerated Worker’s Organizing Committee, and other anti-prison organizations, but is quickly picked up by other prisoner and activist groups. More than 60 organizations endorse the strike, including the National Lawyers Guild, some Black Lives Matter and social justice organizations and one United Auto Workers union.