Avon Park Youth Academy, Avon Park, Florida
August 17, 2013
A fight between two groups of juvenile detainees escalated into an uprising that destroyed 18 of facility’s 20 buildings, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. The boys stole a guard’s radio and all of the facility’s golf carts and set a trash bin on fire.
At least 61 juveniles were later charged with crimes associated with the uprising. At least 7 juveniles were injured.
The Avon Park Youth Academy is a private facility operated by a G4S. Following the uprising, the facility’s name was changed to Highlands Youth Academy.

“Riot At FL Juvenile Detention Facility Injures 7, Destroys Buildings“, CBS Miami, August 18, 2013.
“Massive Juvenile Detention Center Riot Started Over Soup“, Boward Palm Beach New Times, August 19, 2013.
“Wager over game touches off riot at Avon Park youth facility“, Tampa Bay Times, nd.
“Judd: 61 youths charged in ‘riot’ at Avon Park facility“, Tampa Bay Times, September 13, 2013.
“2 years after riot, juvenile facility in Polk still plagued by woes, report says“, Orlando Sentinel, July 21, 2015.