Lorrie Yeager Jr. Juvenile Center, Parkersburg, West Virginia
February 18, 2014
Six teens are charged with rioting after an uprising that did more than $40,000 in damages. The uprising started when two boys attacked staff and two other boys joined in using tables and chairs. Two juvenile girls also joined in the disturbance. The youth went on to smash windows, destroy heating and cooling ducts, break sprinkler heads, and smash a flat screen TV. They also broke a foosball table and reportedly attempted to use the metal rods as weapons against staff.

“Our residents did gain control of a living unit and did some mass destruction to that living unit,” said Stephanie Bond, Director at the West Virginia Division of Juvenile Services. “These residents banded together and started demonstrating some out of control behavior.”

One corrections officer was injured in the incident. The officer reportedly broke an ankle in a fall while attempting to respond to the incident.
The uprising started because some of the juveniles were upset with prior disciplinary measures. Staff regained control of the unit after approximately two hours.
“UPDATE: Six Juveniles Charged in Riot at Parkersburg Facility“, WTAP, June 4, 2014.
“Juvenile services administrator: Changes made after riot at Parkersburg facility” Metro News, March 10, 2014.
“W.Va. Juvenile Center Damaged During Riot“, WV Public Broadcasting, February 20, 2014.
“Six charged in riot at detention center“, Charleston Gazette-Mail, June 4, 2014.