George R. Vierno Center, East Elmhurst, NY
September 13, 2016
Two inmates carry out simultaneous attacks on two Correctional Officers in what the media described as a planned attack. The attack comes just days after Mayor de Blasio boasts an “astonishing turnaround” in the violence at Rikers Island.
At 6:22pm, one inmate attacks a correctional officer and deals him several blows to the face. At the same time, another inmate throws an unknown liquid at another guard before striking him in the face. One inmate is pepper sprayed and both are subdued.

The inmates were scene communicating through a partition just prior to the attack.
“They occurred simultaneously. It was a planned attack,” a source familiar with the incident said.
“Planned attack on guards at Rikers Island calls safety initiatives into question“, ABC 7 NY, September 13, 2016.
“EXCLUSIVE: Rikers Island correction officers attacked, inmate slashed in bloody weekend at jail complex“, NY Daily News, September 13, 2016.