Write for us!

We’re always looking for relevant and timely pieces related to prisons, policing, repression and protest movements. We especially love pitches for stories related to prisoner protest movements or other manifestations of prisoner initiative and action. 

Send pitches to info@perilouschronicle.com with the word “Pitch:” in the subject line along with a proposed title for your piece. In the body of the email, please send a short description summarizing the article and explaining what your sources for the article will be. We will get back to you within one week. While we accept submissions of completed articles, it is strongly encouraged that you send a pitch so that we can work with you to develop a story we’re sure will work for our project. 

We are happy to work with new writers who are learning the skills of journalism. Do not hesitate to ask questions. Our editors and proof-readers will work with you to create a high-quality article. 

Please refer to the guidelines below before submitting a pitch. 


  • Perilous uses AP Style and inverted pyramid structure for all articles we publish. 
  • Articles should include at least two original interviews.
  • Do NOT glorify, spectacularize or romanticize prisoners or their actions. 
  • When possible, prioritize quoting prisoners themselves explaining their own actions. It’s encouraged to quote prisoners at length or to link to or attach or embed their full statement–video, audio, transcript, document, etc. 
  • Post documents in full as a resource for others whenever possible.
  • Always seek comment from any party who you are discussing or making claims about, the carceral body in charge of the prison (ICE, DHS, the state DOC, the Sheriff’s office of county jails, etc) or the politician or police department involved in the story.
  • Our stories attempt to compensate for the major power imbalance and imbalance of access to platforms by centering prisoner, detainee and other perspectives, but it is still necessary to include all perspectives in the story.
  • Whenever possible, do original research for your article: seek documents, interviews, correspondence from prisoners, etc. 

Incarcerated people are encouraged to write for us and can send their pitches to us at our primary mailing address:

Perilous Chronicle
P.O. Box 381
Tucson, Arizona 85702