We welcome any outlet to republish our articles in their entirety, for free, while adhering to the guidelines below:
- Give Perilous Chronicle and the individual author credit for the piece you republish, in this format: “By [Author Name], Perilous Chronicle”
- If you publish online, link to the original story you are republishing from at the top of your story.
- You cannot modify the text of the original story, but you can add additional reporting, comment, color, social media, etc. If you do make those additional changes, you need to note it in the piece: “Additional reporting by [Name Of Your Outlet].”
- At the bottom of the republished story after the story copy, add this line and a link to Perilous Chronicle: “Perilous is a digital research and media project documenting and publicizing prisoner resistance, protest movements and state repression across the US and Canada.”
- If you do republish an article of ours, please let the Perilous Editorial Collective know, via email.
- Perilous Chronicle needs your support to grow. If your platform has funding, please consider entering into a paid syndication agreement with us to support our work while increasing the amount of quality, well-researched content on your platform. If you are interested in this option, please send us an email.
Individuals are encouraged to translate our work! This helps increase our capacity to reach audiences beyond the English-speaking world. If you do so, please translate the entirety of the article. If you’d like to translate only an excerpt of the article, you may translate the first three paragraphs. If you’d like to translate an excerpted version of the entire article, please contact us first.