Free Alabama Movement Strike

Alabama January 1-8, 2014 The Free Alabama Movement goes public with a work-stoppage against unpaid labor, sanitation issues and overcrowding. The protest lasts several days. According to the Free Alabama Movement, all of the 2,400 prisoners at both Holman and St Clair facilities participate. The Free Alabama Movement (FAM) is lead by Melvin Ray, Kinetik Justice, and Dhati Khalid, and organized on a mass scale via contraband cell phones and popular education classes. A few days before the strike, prisoners upload dozens of contraband videos to a youtube channel and send them to reporters. According to FAM, the sustained workstoppage forces guards to work overtime, and costs the Alabama DOC tens of thousands of dollars in lost labor and increased operation cost.
Freealabama Fam YouTube Channel Dozens of contraband videos from inside Alabama prison show rodents, roaches and unsanitary conditions,, January 28, 2014